How to Help

Providing complete documentation of an entire game, such as vib-ribbon, is no small task. We welcome any and all constructive collaboration! It would only make sense to lay down the method of making your mark on this site.

To put it simply, each page is a Markdown file. Each page is located in the docs/ directory of the documentation repository. To make edits to the repo, you need to fork it and clone your fork to your computer. Edit the markdown as you would normally, but if you don't know how to work with Markdown, you can find the documentation for it here. To add a new page to the navigation, edit mkdocs.yml and follow the correct formatting convention in the file.

For more help on MkDocs, once again, the documentation for that tool is found here. To set up MkDocs on your computer, you need Python installed. From there, pip install mkdocs should be your next step. After that, you should be good to go.

As a side note, running mkdocs serve in the repository of your fork should run your site on localhost, where you can see your changes in action before you make your commit or merge request.