ANM - Model Animation

The ANM format stores keyframes for a TMD model animation. Longer animation sequences may be split into multiple .ANM files.

File Layout

Offset Type Name Notes
0x00 int16 unk Always 0x8000
0x02 int16 unk Unused? Possible values: 1, 15, 20, 30, or 60
0x04 uint16 frameCount
0x06 uint16[] frameOffsetTable

The frameOffsetTable array contains (frameCount + 1) elements. To find the start offset of frame n, multiply the value at index n by 2. The last entry marks the end offset of the file.


Offset Type Name Notes
0x00 Keyframe[]

Contains keyframes for all keyed objects in the TMD for one animation frame.

If an object index does not have a keyframe, it is not drawn for the current frame.

There is no explicit count for the number of elements in the Keyframe array. To determine this count for frame n, continue processing the next Keyframe until reaching the end offset given by frameOffsetTable[n + 1] * 2.


Offset Type Name Notes
0x00 uint8 objectIndex
0x01 uint8 flags
int16 rotationX Present if (flags & 0b001) > 0. Radians = value * 2π / 4096
int16 rotationY Present if (flags & 0b001) > 0. Radians = value * 2π / 4096
int16 rotationZ Present if (flags & 0b001) > 0. Radians = value * 2π / 4096
int16 scaleX Present if (flags & 0b010) > 0. Scale = value / 4096
int16 scaleY Present if (flags & 0b010) > 0. Scale = value / 4096
int16 scaleZ Present if (flags & 0b010) > 0. Scale = value / 4096
int16 positionX Present if (flags & 0b100) > 0.
int16 positionY Present if (flags & 0b100) > 0.
int16 positionZ Present if (flags & 0b100) > 0.

Each keyframe animates an individual object in the TMD indicated by objectIndex. Rotation, scale and position keys are optional depending on the bits set in flags, and will always appear in that order.