ANC - Camera Animation

The ANC format store keyframes for a single camera animation. These files are used to control the camera during gameplay, menus and cutscenes. Longer animation sequences may be split into multiple .ANC files.

File Layout

Offset Type Name Notes
0x00 int16 unk Always 0x8000
0x02 int16 unk Unused? Possible values: 1, 15, 20, 30, or 60
0x04 uint16 keyframeCount


Offset Type Name Notes
0x00 int16 vpx Viewport X
0x02 int16 vpy Viewport Y
0x04 int16 vpz Viewport Z
0x06 int16 vrx Reference point X
0x08 int16 vry Reference point Y
0x0A int16 vrz Reference point Z
0x0C int16 rz Viewport twist. 0x1000 = 1ยบ
0x0E int16 fov Field of view

Each frame, the game orients the viewport camera by calling GsSetRefView2() with a static GsRVIEW2 object using parameters supplied by the current keyframe. This function call places the camera at coordinates (vpx, vpy, vpz) facing towards (vrx, vry, vrz).