General Info

Written by polyproxy

It is well known that Vib-Ribbon's main gimmick was that you could swap out the original PlayStation game disc with your own CDs and the game would generate levels out of the CD's audio tracks.
For this reason, the game had to be small enough to fit in the PlayStation's tiny RAM (2 MB)

In order to do this, the game is separated in four executables, SCPS_180.12, MAIN_T.EXE, MAIN_K.EXE and MAIN_G.EXE.
According to the PsyQ SDK, these executables are internally called modules.


SCPS_180.12 (named SCES_028.73 on the PAL release, loader.exe on the PlayStation Magazine demo) is the main executable ran when the Vib-Ribbon disc is inserted (first boot).

This executable, when ran, searches for the executable to run on an array (MAIN_T.EXE by default), searches for it on the disc, and then runs it. When said executable finishes execution, control is passed back to SCPS_180.12, which then runs the next executable on the array.


MAIN_T.EXE is the executable in charge of the title screen.

The T suffix stands for TITLE.


MAIN_K.EXE is the executable in charge of the HOW TO PLAY level.

The K suffix stands for KIOSK. It is not known what KIOSK means in this case.


MAIN_G.EXE is the executable in charge of the game's main menu (the course selection, high scores, settings) and gameplay.

The G suffix stands for GAME.